Thanks! //@anonymous: Correction, I spoke too soon: the excel book does appear in kindle... it just didn't show all the pages until long after initial download //@anonymous: Excel "book" gets you the cover page in kindle then sends you to download link, which is not really that but a request for your email to send you the book...
By anonymous on 03/21/2021, 10:05 AM EDT
Correction, I spoke too soon: the excel book does appear in kindle... it just didn't show all the pages until long after initial download //@anonymous: Excel "book" gets you the cover page in kindle then sends you to download link, which is not really that but a request for your email to send you the book...
By anonymous on 03/21/2021, 07:07 AM EDT
Thanks! //@anonymous: Excel "book" gets you the cover page in kindle then sends you to download link, which is not really that but a request for your email to send you the book...
By anonymous on 03/21/2021, 12:26 AM EDT
Excel "book" gets you the cover page in kindle then sends you to download link, which is not really that but a request for your email to send you the book...