Not really with the pandemic. I still go weekly, fewer than 10 still hanging around. Before it was like 100+ //@anonymous: Apparently a lot of people other than you. //@anonymous: What? Who the hell go to the library now a day. Get it for free online period. //@Anonymous: Habit #1: get books for free from the library.
By anonymous on 07/30/2021, 03:57 PM EDT
Well for people like you, there is the Wikipedia summary of the book: //@Anonymous: The issue is not the library or getting a digital version or getting it for few $$. The issue is that most of us won't read it.. lol
By anonymous on 07/30/2021, 02:38 PM EDT
The issue is not the library or getting a digital version or getting it for few $$. The issue is that most of us won't read it.. lol
By anonymous on 07/30/2021, 01:17 PM EDT
Apparently a lot of people other than you. //@anonymous: What? Who the hell go to the library now a day. Get it for free online period. //@Anonymous: Habit #1: get books for free from the library.
By anonymous on 07/30/2021, 11:40 AM EDT
Its a classic reference. I am sure you have credits accumulated from delayed shipping. Use them before they expire.
By anonymous on 07/30/2021, 11:36 AM EDT
What? Who the hell go to the library now a day. Get it for free online period. //@Anonymous: Habit #1: get books for free from the library.
By anonymous on 07/30/2021, 11:01 AM EDT
LOL //@Anonymous: Habit #1: get books for free from the library.