the logo is really nice. why complain so much? //@anonymous: You pay $50 of $75 for the logo //@anonymous: Bought it when it came out. What a total joke. Takes forever to charge to even 20%. It's charging speed is like 5W instead of the 20W you get from a wall charger and 15W from Magsafe charger.
By anonymous on 10/18/2021, 11:39 AM EDT
Couldn’t agree more! Apple takes otherwise normal products and makes them so much better! //@anonymous: This is awesome. Another total homerun from Apple. A must-have product!
By anonymous on 10/18/2021, 10:41 AM EDT
You pay $50 of $75 for the logo //@anonymous: Bought it when it came out. What a total joke. Takes forever to charge to even 20%. It's charging speed is like 5W instead of the 20W you get from a wall charger and 15W from Magsafe charger.
By anonymous on 10/18/2021, 10:37 AM EDT
This is awesome. Another total homerun from Apple. A must-have product!
By anonymous on 10/18/2021, 10:35 AM EDT
Bought it when it came out. What a total joke. Takes forever to charge to even 20%. It's charging speed is like 5W instead of the 20W you get from a wall charger and 15W from Magsafe charger.